Making Friends With Grief
I always recommend that folks who are going growing their families hold space for the grief that often comes up in this process.
Trying to conceive can be full of so many curveballs— from your ideal known donor not working out, to the sperm bank recalling your vials because they hit their family limit, to fertility difficulties. The family building process is, for many of us, not the rainbows and butterflies we hoped it would be.

Parenting While We Feel Hopeless About the World
It’s OK to feel conflicted about bringing a child into this messed up world. It’s OK to doubt yourself, and to feel unsure at any point of this process. Choosing to become a parent is one of the most brazen acts of hope.

Being a Queer Parent is a Privilege
I often think about the privilege of being a queer parent— how it gives us a window into discovering our most authentic selves, and to hopefully, model this for our children. But it’s a lot to do alone, and we deserve to do this whole queer parenting thing deeply connected to community.

Natural Tips for Coping with 1st Trimester Nausea
4 natural ways to cope with 1st trimester nausea

Why Growing Your Queer Family Feels So Overwhelming—and How to Make it Easier
It’s A LOT to navigate, especially when you’re trying to do it all without a blueprint or enough cultural or community support. But things are changing. I envision a world where ALL people have access to the information and choices they need to grow their families in the ways they choose.
Here are some ways to reduce overwhelm and gain resources and support during your family-building journey—

You Can Help Someone Give Birth! What to Do if a Baby Comes Surprisingly Fast.
In this article, you’re going to learn how to help someone have a baby, if you ever find yourself in that situation. It’s not rocket science- it’s actually one of the most normal and human things on earth.